


Admento is a unicase phonetic alphabet that I created originally for the constructed language Interlingua, but now I use it exclusively for my own constructed language based on Interlingua, called Interia. It is designed to have a flowing form, like a natural alphabet. At the same time, it is a featural writing system designed to be easy to learn. The letters' shapes draw inspiration from Tengwar, but unlike Tengwar, which is an abugida, Admento is a full alphabet, so it has separate letters for vowels as well.


Plosive consonants have a vertical bar.

b p d t g k
b p d t g k

Nasals have a shorter bar and a descender.

m n
m n

Fricatives are short letters that have a horizonal bar.

v f z s j S
v f z s j sh

Affricates combine a vertical bar and fricative letters.

c C
c ch

By now you may have noticed that fricatives, plosives, and affricates have a top bar that denotes voicing. The voiceless consonants have a top bar, while the voiced ones don't. Since the affricates in Interlingua are always unvoiced, they do not have a voiced counterpart.

The remaining sounds are as follows:

r l y w h
r l y w h


The vowels of Admento are all short letters.

a e i o u
a e i o u

Example text

mi vida reflekto propran in akwo distortate gentilan par gutos dansan del pluvio nel et undos ki karesa silentan litoro. herbo sub mi mola kom lekto del plumo. mi imagina le mi pota le kubar eternan sur sa. mi regarda altan vers ero et kielo grisan obnubilan ki tenda vers direktos tote nel ki is kela par silvos densan kirkum mi. mundo tote silenta asitan preter folios ki susura detempan et gutos del pluvio. esa ne avos pipan et voko de mi ekoan.

mi vida reflekto propran in akwo distortate gentilan par gutos dansan del pluvio nel et undos ki karesa silentan litoro. herbo sub mi mola kom lekto del plumo. mi imagina le mi pota le kubar eternan sur sa. mi regarda altan vers ero et kielo grisan obnubilan ki tenda vers direktos tote nel ki is kela par silvos densan kirkum mi. mundo tote silenta asitan preter folios ki susura detempan et gutos del pluvio. esa ne avos pipan et voko de mi ekoan.

I see my own reflection in the water, gently distorted by the dancing raindrops and the waves silently caressing the shore. The grass below me is as soft as a featherbed; I imagine that I could lie on it forever. I look up in the air, at the grey, overcast sky that stretches in all directions, only to be hidden behind the thick forests around me. Apart from the raindrops and the occasional rustling leaves, the world is fairly quiet, without any birds chirping, or my voice echoing.